Thursday, March 01, 2007

Bong Hits 4 Jesus

Photo credit: Clay Good

Heading to Supreme Court this week is the case Morse and the Juneau School Board et al. v. Frederick (06-278). Guess who's the guy arguing for the school? Billy Boy Clinton's old nemesis, Kenneth Starr. I'll leave the jokes to someone else on that one. All I can say on this matter is this:

The current neona, uh, conservatives have it in their thick heads that we can export democracy. Look how free we are! read the banners strapped to the heavily armored humvees with machine gun turrets. Throw an election and you too, someday, will be able to tell kids not to paint satirical signs and display them on Olympic parade routes.

John McCain this week said our troops were being wasted in Iraq, then later clarified to say he meant "sacrificed."

If they are over there moving into Baghdad outposts while we sit here and suspend students for this shit, then I say, Mr. McCain, you had it right the first time. And you just lost my vote. Again.

Why do we need to mince words? Fuck it, I'll say it: we are wasting lives over there. Waste. As in throwing away. Anyone with half a cashew in their noggin who thinks I am deriding our troops needs to armor up and ship out. Of course the soldiers believe and want to believe they are fighting for the greater cause. I don't fault them for that. To many of them, to those who do feel they are helping each and every day, it is not a waste to them at all. I am sure that Iraqis can see that we are not the devil after all, at least not all of us, and are smart enough to separate the men from the policy. But the policy is wasting lives. Wasting money. Wasting international goodwill. Wasting the future. Wasting opportunities for balance in the Middle East. Waste.

I wouldn't trust Dick Cheney to run a carwash. I wouldn't trust Donald Rumsfeld to hold my place in line at the checkout. But yet we trusted them to wage war, and they wasted the international support we had after September 11, 2001 (can we please stop saying "9/11"? It's not a fucking decal; it's an historical event. JFK wasn't assassinated on 11/22), they wasted our surplus, they wasted time and resources in Iraq when they could have spent effort in Afghanistan, the battle that no one dares question, and they wasted over 3,000 lives so far, and tens of thousands who will carry, as Bush calls them, "grave wounds."

The whole thing is a waste. Just like it's a waste of the court's time and America's time to be arguing about the sign above. But I guess they figure after installing the pasty white diverse duo on the SC, they've got a shot at going after their little pet projects: namely, eroding all Amendments except one, the Second.

Bong Hits 4 Kenneth!

Assault Rifles 4 the Messiah!

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