I've never had a proper nickname. There have been attempts, but nothing has ever stuck. That's mostly because I haven't been the warmest, most fun-loving guy in the world, the kind of guy that people would think of all affectionately, enough to have a cutesy shorthand for eternal reference.
The most recent nickname is not really a nickname but is some hybrid of sorts simply because I have no blood relation to the cool little gal that calls me by this name:
Uncle D.
Fitting. Perfect.
It is certainly better than "The Doog," something that I tried to keep alive ever since high school Spanish class.
A close second is "The Reverend" or "Reverend Mo" from my Army days.
I had a homeroom teacher who gave everyone a nickname, and since I apparently didn't make that much of an impression on him, he just blurted out some half-ass mangling of my last name and that stuck for him: "Moocow." Have a guffaw, it's free.
I'm surprised no one ever attempted to call me "Drug Mowbray." Too obvious? Too much guilt for enabling?
Perhaps I have a nickname amongst certain groups of people, the kind of name I would never hear directly.
I'm not looking for something to be on my tombstone. In fact, I hope I don't have a tombstone, nor a tomb.
And I don't think it is in me to make an attempt this late in life to be considered affectionately. That ship done sailed.
But, I would like to have a nickname ready in the off-off-off chance that someday I will enter the ring as a professional boxer (or at the very least, which is really one of my heart's very most: boxing photographer), I'm going to need a pithy handle.
The Marauder?
It's alliterative, but not appropriate.
Think I'll need some help with this one.